Ohio State School of Music eStore

Welcome to The Ohio State University's School of Music eStore!

At The Ohio State University School of Music, we believe our mission is to educate, enrich and instill a lifelong love of music in future generations of musicians.

We offer a number of outreach events for musicians, educators and school groups. Explore our offerings at music.osu.edu/outreach.

Our Community Music School (CMS) offers music instruction to children and adults with diverse backgrounds, skill levels and differing educational goals through private lessons, classes and ensembles. Learn more at music.osu.edu/cms.

This eStore serves as both a registration and payment platform, depending on the product.

Some offerings (products) will have a separate registration that is required prior to making payment on this platform. For other offerings you will both register and pay here. The web pages at the links above will provide step-by-step instructions.

We look forward to welcoming you and making music together on campus.