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Administrative Fee for multiple students/participants in household

Administrative fees, per session, cover the cost of administration, registration, instructor background checks, recital costs, etc. Charging this fee, including the discounted version for families with multiple student enrolled, allows us to set the per lesson fee at a competitive market rate.

This form is for payment for the administrative fee for families with multiple students/participants enrolling in lessons/classes.

You will add this fee to your Shopping Cart, after completing a payment form for each student/participant. All products should appear in your shopping cart before you check out.
Have your credit card information ready.

1. Complete the form for the first student/participant. ADD TO CART.
2. This will take you to your Shopping Cart.
4. Repeat this process for each student.
5. After all students have been entered, return to the Shopping Cart.
6. Add your single $50 Administrative Fee to your cart.
7. Check out and pay.

Angela Heck Mueller
, manager

This payment form works best on a computer (PC or Mac).
MAC USERS — use Chrome, not Safari.

Fields with asterisk are required.