
At The Ohio State University School of Music, we value our mission to educate, enrich and instill a lifelong love of music in future generations of musicians. To further this goal, we offer a number of outreach events for not only the individual musician but also for school groups.


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High School Percussion Ensemble Festival

Friday and Saturday, February 21–22, 2025

Timashev Family Music Building | 1900 College Rd

For student groups in grades 9–12

This eStore is for PAYMENT ONLY.

Use this platform to pay for the ensemble(s) shown on your reservation confirmation letter and invoice.
Enter the same quantity in the "ADD TO CART" box below.

If you have not already registered for this event, please first make your reservation at the following link so that we can invoice you.

High School Percussion Ensemble Festival

Be aware that some school district firewalls block our communications.
For that reason we request both your School email and a second email address below.

Questions? Email Susan Powell at


Fee for ensemble participation is $275.

Refunds can only be made if the School of Music cancels the event.

This registration/payment form works best on a computer (PC or Mac). MAC USERS — use Chrome, not Safari.
